Soundwave Review

Soundwave Review

For a user who loves new music or thinks his/her choice is good enough for the world to know and discover, this app is a must have. Its beautiful interface and delivery of the promised functions makes it a delight to use.


Setting it up

The application once downloaded and installed, asks the user to create an account using Google or Facebook or register using email. We chose Google and the process was completed within a few seconds. Once registered it asks for your location for the Music Map feature. The Map is a useful tool to find what people are listening to in your locality. One can then choose or search people to follow them and then see their ‘Most Played’ and ‘Top Shared.’

The app being a social media music finder, lets one link their Twitter and Facebook feeds as well. You can find your friends using the Search option and see what they are listening to and share your own playlists by integrating music players on your device.

The User Interface

Soundwave boasts of a slick UI which is pleasing to the eye and looks excellent. The integration of all social accounts has been done seamlessly and is exclusive only for the purpose of music sharing.

Once we began sharing actively, the Activity Feed filled up quickly . Thankfully, the app comes with four handy tabs at the top of the screen : By Plays, Ratings , Shares and innovatively titled ‘Humdingers.’ These categories help in filtering the fast cluttering feed. The user is also provided with the option of ‘Guilty Pleasures’ which disables all sharing and makes your music private.

Download Or Not?

For a user who loves new music or thinks his/her choice is good enough for the world to know and discover, this app is a must have. Its beautiful interface and delivery of the promised functions makes it a delight to use.


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