Kingston Data Traveler HyperX pen drive Review


Speed comes at a price though, and for this drive, it seems to be CPU utilisation and price. At Rs 11,000 for the 8 GB model, this drive is not cheap. You also have 2 and 4 GB versions for cheaper, but considering that you get a 16 GB Data Traveller from the same manufacturer for about one-third the price, this drive seems like a luxury. If you are rich, have an obsession with speed, and want to make every second of your super-fast paced life count, buy this drive. If not, you’re probably still looking at the price tag.

Speed comes at a price


Flash memory-based drives are evolving at a fast pace. While the capacities have gone up considerably, data transfer speeds are also a lot better than before, in general.

Some of the very best drives come from memory manufacturers themselves, and Kingston’s HyperX is one of them.


This drive gets its looks from the blue-black HyperX memory modules. It has an aluminium and rubber casing, and this gives it strength and a good gripping surface. You’re unlikely to drop it, but if you do, the sturdy build will ensure that your data stays safe. The connector is retractable, so just slide it out when you want to use it.


The drive we got for review had 8 GB of storage space; but it’s the performance that interested us more. In HD Tach benchmark this drive showed an access time of 11.9 ms, while the read and write speeds stood tall at 29.6 and 19.8 MBps. In our data transfer tests, we were able to copy 1 GB of sequential data in under a minute. Assorted data (1 GB, 441 files) took about a minute and 46 seconds. We were shocked to find that CPU utilisation jumped when transferring.



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