Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

It is not easy making a crossover game, especially ones based on a superhero; and understandably, solid games in this genre are few and far in between. The good news is that Arkham Asylum is easily one of the best games ever made in this category. In fact, even if you are not a big fan the Batman mythos, you�ll still enjoy this game.

With the exception of gunplay, this game has something for every typical gamer. There are sections of the game that require stealth and patience and works well for those who look for a bit of strategy in a game. The combat system is robust and free-flowing, sometimes warranting good reflexes with the gamepad, especially in the later part of the game and in Challenge Mode. And for those gamers that enjoy exploration, there are secrets to be found and rewards to be unlocked.

Arguably, the only things that go against this game are the relatively short game length and somewhat disappointing boss battles…


Reviewed on an Xbox 360

Genre: Action, Stealth, Beat ’em Up

Developer: Rocksteady Studios

Publisher: Eidos Interactive and Warner Brothers/DC Comics

Distributor: E-Xpress

Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC

Price: Xbox 360 & PS3 – Rs 2,499 | PC – Rs 699 (Releasing Sept 18)


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