The Vivo V40e is priced at Rs 25,349 ,and features a MediaTek Dimensity 7300 processor. It has a 6.72-inch display and a 5500 mAh battery. The camera setup includes a 50 MP + 8 MP dual rear camera and a 50 MP front camera.
The Vivo V30 is priced at Rs 25,740 and comes with a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. It also has a 6.72-inch display and a 5000 mAh battery. The rear camera setup is a 50 MP + 50 MP dual camera, while the front camera is 50 MP.
The Vivo T3 Pro is priced at Rs 26,999 and is powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. It features a 6.77-inch display and a 5500 mAh battery. The rear camera setup includes a 50 MP + 8 MP dual camera, and the front camera is 16 MP.
The Vivo V30e is priced at Rs 27,999 and features the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor. It has a 6.78-inch display and a 5500 mAh battery. The rear camera setup includes a 50 MP + 8 MP dual camera, and the front camera is 50 MP.
The Vivo V29e is priced at Rs 25,960 and uses a Snapdragon 695 processor. It features a 6.72-inch display and a 5000 mAh battery. The rear camera setup is a 64 MP + 8 MP dual camera, with a 50 MP front camera.