Digital arrest scams in India involve fraudsters posing as law enforcement officials, falsely accusing victims of crimes like money laundering or identity theft. They create panic by threatening "digital arrest" and demand payments or personal information.
Wedding scams in India often involve fraudsters sending fake wedding invitations via WhatsApp. These invitations contain malicious files that, when opened, install malware on the victim's device, allowing scammers to steal personal and financial information.
Investment scams in India often involve fraudsters using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram to promise high returns on investments. They create fake profiles, investment groups, and run "pump and dump" schemes, and then steal victims' money.
WFH job scams in India often involve fraudsters posing as HR representatives from well-known companies, offering fake job opportunities. They may ask victims to pay fees for training or software, and then disappear after receiving the money.
Bank scams in India often involve fraudsters using phishing emails, fake websites, or phone calls to trick individuals into revealing their bank account details. They may also use malware to steal information directly from devices.