Here's how the city of Barcelona puts mobile before everything else for the world's most coveted smartphone event ever - The Mobile World Congress. Digit is at MWC 2016 and we thought of taking you on a visual tour of all the excitement that awaits before the event officially kicks off on Monday, February 22.
Entrace to MWC 2016, where more than 95,000 attendees will witness the next level of innovation in mobile technology. Did we mention that more than 2100 exhibitors will showcase everything from smartphones to virtual reality? Imagine what this place will look like on February 22!
Two of the most anticipated smartphones at MWC 2016 are the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Rumours galore, these smartphones are going to be Samsung's best in 2016 and we cannot wait to get you a LIVE first look, straight from the launch event.
Samsung is not leaving any stone unturned to promote its upcoming flagship devices. Are you going to be waiting in line to buy the next Galaxy smartphone?
Want to get one of these? Become an awesome tech journalist and come work for us!
Barcelona is a technology hub like no other. From Mobiles, to IoT to data, this Spanish city will surprise you with its eclectic co-existence of gothic architechture & modern technology. What you are seeing is just one of the many Samsung buildings in the city. Don't miss the interesting stone sculpture in the foreground.
Apple or Huawei? Which watch will you buy? You know what's just outside this Apple store? A big, huge Samsung hoarding! Now that's called aggressive marketing.
Cruising by the Olympus building in town.
Founded in 1982, The GSMA unites nearly 800 mobile operators and more than 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem. GSMA is also the master mind behind the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and Shanghai.
A working holiday is the way we roll at Digit!
So, here's to a beautiful evening in Barcelona! That is, before all the MWC 2016 madness begins tomorrow! Stay tuned to Digit for all the LIVE updates from MWC 2016.