Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD Review

Updated on 01-Aug-2023

In terms of comparison,the Samsung 840 Pro outperforms every SSD that we have tested so far. If you are in the market for the best performing SSD get this one without a second thought.

We tested the SSD on our rig comprising the Intel Core i7-3960X with 8GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 RAM using 2x Corsair Neutron 240GB SSDs in RAID 0 for real-life file transfer tests. ATTO benchmark gave a score of 4909 MB/s and 560 MB/s for sequential write and read speeds of which read speeds were as advertised. Crystal Disk Mark gave 390 MB/s and 360MB/s respectively for random read and writes (4KQD32) which is an impressive number.

Coming to AS-SSD benchmark we got an overall score of 1111 which is the highest we have got on any SSD so far. The IOPS scaled 94700 for Random reads and 82747 for random writes which was only slightly lower than advertised. As far as the real life tests went, the scores were as follows: Sequential Read / Write (MB/s): 355 / 357 and Assorted Read / Write (MB/s): 264 / 277. In terms of comparison,the Samsung 840 Pro outperforms every SSD that we have tested so far. If you are in the market for the best performing SSD get this one without a second thought.

TRIM Support: Yes;
S.M.A.R.T.: Yes;
Unformatted Space: 238
SSD Controller: Samsung MDX
Memory: Samsung 2x nm Toggle DDR 2.0 NAND Flash Memory
Cache-memory: Samsung 512MB Low Power DDR2 SDRAM

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