Realme launched its flagship Realme GT 7 Pro smartphone some weeks back. And now, the company has announced an exclusive Rs 3,000 coupon for those buyers who purchased the Realme GT 7 Pro before January 13, 2025. This offer can be redeemed for purchases that have been made through the official Realme website, Amazon, or Realme’s offline stores. If you are one of those who bought the Realme GT 7 Pro before January 13, then you can redeem the coupon before January 21, 2025.
This exclusive coupon for its customers is a part of Realme’s customer appreciation program and the company is rewarding early buyers of the Realme GT 7 Pro. The flagship smartphone got some attention during its launch as it was one of the first smartphones to drop with the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, in addition to other flagship features such an AMOLED display, and fast charging.
For customers who made their purchase via the official Realme website:
Purchases made via Amazon or Realme’s offline stores:
The process is fairly simple but to get more details, you should visit Realme’s official website or contact the company’s customer support for detailed instructions on submitting these details and claiming their coupon. Users can then use this coupon to make purchases within the stipulated time frame. It can be used to purchase any gadget or accessories.
If you are eligible don’t miss out on claiming your Rs 3,000 coupon. The coupon can only be redeemed till January 21, 2025.