Kodak has announced a price cut on its camera-centric Ektra smartphone. It will be available on Snapdeal from 21st December 2017 at a price of over Rs 9,999. The Kodak Ektra sports a 21MP optically stabilised rear camera with f/2.0 aperture, PDAF and a dual LED flash. The main camera comes with support for advanced manual controls like adjusting exposure, ISO, focal length, white balance and shutter speed. It also features a 13MP front camera with phase detection autofocus and f/2.2 aperture. In terms of specifications, the Kodak Ektra sports a 5-inch LCD display and is powered by deca-core MediaTek Helio X20 chipset 3GB RAM/32GB ROM. It is backed by a 3000mAh battery and houses a USB Type-C port.
Read the complete press release below
KODAK EKTRA, a photography-led smartphone will now be available exclusively on Snapdeal from 21st December 2017 and that too at a whopping discount of over 40%.
The camera first phone blends Kodak’s rich history in imaging with the latest innovations in smartphone photography, making it ideal for those with a passion for photography.
For Rs 9999, you get a solid 21-megapixel fast focus camera sensor with f2.0 aperture, and an industry-leading 13-megapixel front-facing camera with Phase Detection Auto Focus PDAF and f2.2 aperture. The users can take advantage of the SLR-style Scene Selection Dial, where adjustments are made in real time via a range of settings. It even has manual mode where more advanced users can adjust exposure, ISO, focus, white balance and shutter speed, with the results being visible on the screen as changes are made.
The camera uses advanced technology like ARCSOFT Night Shot and Kodak certified lens coating that enables light to reach the sensor, reduces noise, brightens underexposed areas and stabilises blur from slow shutter speeds. It also has dynamic focus and object tracking reducing the need for extensive post-editing even as the phone has inbuilt tools like SNAPSEED to edit images with professional results on the go. Sharing the results in real time is also easy with integrated social media apps and the prints app.
Besides a great camera, the KODAK EKTRA Smartphone has an ergonomically weighted and high quality industrial design. It has a dedicated dual press shutter button in the horizontal style of traditional cameras. A lightning-fast HELIO X20 Deca-core processor powers the ANDROID Marshmallow smartphone.
“Kodak's Ektra phone-first camera is another example of Snapdeal offering to its users great products at great prices. We hope that both the product and the price will delight the buyers,” said Vishal Chadha, Chief Business Officer, Snapdeal.
At Snapdeal, we want to provide best products at a reasonable price.
Camera Features
Phone Features