Kiara Global has launched the Razer BlackWidow mechanical gaming keyboard in India priced at Rs 9,999. The device is water and dust resistant with a certified IP54 rating and is equipped with individually backlit keys, which can be customised via Razer's Synapse software. Gamers can also create many lighting profiles using the advanced lighting effect configurator and the keyboard comes with the company's proprietary mechanical single switch variant, the Razer Green Switch. The keyboard can be purchased from Kiara Global and it comes with a 2 years.
Read the complete press release below
Kaira Global, an IT distribution house driven by the passion to provide customers quality products, today announces the launch of new and improved Razer BlackWidow Ultimate mechanical gaming keyboard. Coupled with water- and dust-resistant features, the latest Razer BlackWidow Ultimate is redesigned to be the most resilient gaming keyboard to date. With an IP54 rating, the keyboard has been tested to protect against accidental water spillage and harmful dust particles.
"The Razer BlackWidow Ultimate is a gaming keyboard with the DNA of gaming within it. While it's designed to survive action outside of the game, it also has everything you need to enable a high-performance gaming experience," said Manoj Attal, Director at Kaira Global. "With features sure to appeal all sorts of gamers, the BlackWidow Ultimate is one of the best all-rounder gaming keyboards currently available in the market."
The Razer BlackWidow Ultimate continues to boast individually backlit keys. Each green LED is easily customizable through Razer's Synapse software, which offers a wide range of dynamic lighting effects which include: Wave, Ripple, Reactive, Starlight and more. Gamers are able to create various lighting profiles via the advanced lighting effect configurator.
The Razer BlackWidow Ultimate also comes equipped with the award-winning Razer Mechanical Switches, the world's first key switch designed specifically for gaming. Available for this keyboard in a single switch variant – the Razer Green Switch – Razer continues to lead the industry with gaming-optimized actuation and reset responsiveness. With a rated lifespan of up to 80 million keystrokes, the Razer Mechanical Switch is engineered for durability and reliably delivers top performance with every key press.
Price, Availability & Warranty
Razer Black Widow Ultimate comes with MRP of Rs. 9,999/- and is available with Kaira Global carrying a warranty of 2 years.