QMPL has announced its latest 10000mAh power bank, which is priced at Rs 1,499. The device comes equipped with three USB ports and with a rating of 5V-2AMPS, it is said to achieve a conversion rate of up to 80 percent.
Read the complete press release below
QHMPL, a leading frontrunner of consumer electronics and IT peripherals, launches Power bank that suits the best for every formal meeting, the leather finished 10000mAh ‘QHM 10000’ equipped with 3 USB Ports, pairing elegance with functionality.
The Power Bank sports a minimalist design in striking black that fits perfectly in your palm. The power bank’s high power capacity makes it great for charging multiple devices, especially considering its 3 USB charging ports.
Guaranteeing a superior performance, the Power Bank is powerful & durable with built-in Li-polymer battery cell and intelligent circuitry that provides safe, long-lasting charging performance. With RISC Micro Processor Controlled for fast charging and enhanced battery life cycle, the power bank allows 500 times charge discharge cycle for continuous use.
With max output of 5V-2AMPS & conversion rate up to 80%, the power bank adapts to the connected device when in use. With several advanced safety features, the Power banks upholds against overcharging and short circuits keeping the devices safe all the time.
In shades of Black and White, the Power Bank is available with leading retail and e-commerce stores in India.