The OnePlus 13 was launched recently in India at a price of Rs 69,999. Our second contender is the iPhone 16, which was launched last year in September at a starting price of Rs 79,990. As we can see, there is almost a Rs 10,000 difference between both smartphones, yet both fall under the same segment. So if you have a budget of Rs 80,000, along with other flagship smartphones, you also have the OnePlus 13 and the iPhone 16.
So, which one should you buy? Should you get an “Apple” phone or should I get a full-fledged OnePlus flagship smartphone? Well, let’s find this out through their specifications comparison.
Starting with the design, the OnePlus 13 measures 8.5mm in thickness and is 210 grams heavy. It comes with a Ceramic Guard protection and IP68/69 rating. On the other hand, the iPhone 16 is 7.8mm thick and weighs 170 grams. It comes with Ceramic Shield protection and an IP68 rating.
Moving on, the OnePlus 13 features a 6.82-inch LTPO 4.1 AMOLED display, which has a 1440 x 3168 pixels resolution. This panel supports 120Hz refresh rate, HDR10+, Dolby Vision, and 10-bit colour. OnePlus claims that it has 4500 nits of peak brights. Now, if we speak about the iPhone 16, it has a 6.1-inch OLED panel, which supports 1179 x 2556 pixels resolution. Moreover, it comes with a 60Hz refresh rate, HDR10, Dolby Vision support, and has only 2000 nits peak brightness.
Furthermore, the OnePlus 13 is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, which is paired with up to 1TB storage and 24GB RAM. The iPhone 16 runs on the latest A18 chip, coupled with up to 8GB RAM and 512GB storage. Both smartphones run on their latest UI skins.
For photography, there is a triple camera setup on the OnePlus 13, holding a 50-megapixel main camera, a 50-megapixel Periscope Telephoto sensor with up to 3x optical zoom, and a 50-megapixel ultrawide lens. While the iPhone 16 has only a 48-megapixel primary camera and a 12-megapixel ultrawide lens.
Lastly, you get a 6000mAh battery on the OnePlus 12 with up to 100-watt fast charging support, 50-watt wireless charging support, and reverse-wired charging support as well. The iPhone 16 is packed with a 3561mAh battery and supports 25-watt fast charging, 15-watt wireless charging, and reverse-wired charging as well.