Here’s how Noise Luna Ring can help you track your menstrual cycle and more

Here’s how Noise Luna Ring can help you track your menstrual cycle and more

Noise has unveiled new women's health tracking features for its Luna Ring.

Users can log their periods, track past cycles, and record various symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle.

Luna Ring can offer smarter predictions about fertile days and upcoming periods.

Noise has unveiled new women’s health tracking features for its flagship Luna Ring. This new update offers personalised menstrual health insights and predictions, addressing the diverse needs of women with different menstrual patterns.

The women’s health sector faces considerable challenges, particularly concerning menstrual health. Many women encounter issues such as irregular periods, PCOS, and other menstrual-related conditions that often remain unnoticed or unaddressed due to inadequate education and societal stigmas.

Also read: Noise launched Luna smart ring in India 

Noise Luna Ring can help you track your menstrual cycle and more

According to a recent Noise survey, 82% of women acknowledge experiencing menstrual health issues, indicating a high level of self-awareness. However, less than 7% have received proper education on these matters, revealing a significant gap in access to accurate information. 

26.3% of women feel uncomfortable discussing menstrual issues with their families, and 68.1% believe that men in their lives lack understanding about menstrual health.

Additionally, 71% of women perceive menstruation as a taboo topic in academic institutions and workplaces. Importantly, 35% of women who are obese have PCOS as an underlying concern, a crucial insight often overlooked by conventional health tracking methods.

In light of these findings, Noise has focused on significantly enhancing the Luna Ring’s capabilities to deliver personalised insights that cater specifically to women’s needs.

Also read: Noise Luna Ring is now AI-powered: Adds AI health tracking features & more 

Noise Luna Ring can help you track your menstrual cycle and more

Key Features of the Latest Update 

  • Period and Symptom Tracker: Users can log their periods, track past cycles, and record various symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle. This includes logging period flow intensity, which helps Luna Ring to understand individual menstrual health better.
  • Smart Period Predictions: By leveraging user patterns, basal temperatures, SPO2 levels, and other biomarkers, Luna Ring can offer smarter predictions about fertile days and upcoming periods. With continuous usage, Luna Ring’s predictions adapt to individual cycle changes, providing personalised insights.
  • Luna AI Assistance:  Navigating menstrual health can be complex, and some questions might feel too private to ask. The Luna AI will provide confidential and secure answers to common queries about menstrual cycles, ensuring users receive accurate information while maintaining their privacy.
Ayushi Jain

Ayushi Jain

Tech news writer by day, BGMI player by night. Combining my passion for tech and gaming to bring you the latest in both worlds. View Full Profile