Fitbit will require its users to login using their Google account from next year: Here are its data sharing implications

Updated on 25-Sep-2022

Google-owned wearable brand Fitbit is planning to make Google Accounts mandatory on new Fitbit devices from next year.

According to Fitbit, Google will not use Fitbit health and wellness data for Google Ads.

"After we launch Google accounts on Fitbit in 2023, some uses of Fitbit will require a Google account, including to sign up for Fitbit or activate newly released Fitbit devices and features, "the wearable brand said on a support page.

"If you have a Fitbit account, after the launch of Google accounts on Fitbit, you'll have the option to move Fitbit to your Google account or to continue to use your existing Fitbit devices and services with your Fitbit account for as long as it's supported," it added.

The company said Google accounts on Fitbit will support several benefits for Fitbit users, including a single login for Fitbit and other Google services, account security, centralised privacy controls for Fitbit user data, and more features from Google on Fitbit.

After the launch of Google accounts on Fitbit, if you want to move from your Fitbit account to your Google account, you will need to consent to transfer your Fitbit user data from Fitbit to Google.

Once you complete the move, you will log into Fitbit with your Google account and no longer with your Fitbit account.

Google will then provide you with Fitbit under Google's Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and binding commitments for Fitbit.

(Except for the headline and cover image, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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This is an unedited, unformatted feed from the Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) wire.

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