LG Electronics has launched the world’s first 4K OLED televisions in India. As They are an amalgamation of 4K ultra high definition and OLED technology. As claimed by LG, the 4K OLED technology offers 33 million color sub-pixels, self-lighting pixels and infinite contrast ratio. The TV has been launched in two sizes, 55 and 65 inches, and priced at Rs. 3,84,900 and Rs. 5,79,900 respectively. LG further stated that each of the light-producing pixels of the TV is designed to be controlled independently, which makes them react directly to electrical signals. This leads to 1000 times faster response speed as compared to a normal LED TV.
Talking about 4K OLED TV technology, Howard Lee, Director-Home Entertainment, LG India said, “Once again LG has proved that it is a frontrunner when it comes to innovative technology. With the LG 4K OLED TV, we promise consumers in India the ultimate immersive cinematic experience. Time and again we have initiated groundbreaking innovation and raised the bar not only for ourselves, but for the industry as well. This latest OLED TV underscores LG’s commitment to bringing the best in home entertainment to our consumers.”
LG 4K OLED TV has only 6.6mm bezels and 5.9mm thin. The other specs of the TV are Perfect Black color density, Perfect Color, Perfect Curve, Self-lighting Pixel, 4 color pixel (WRGB), WebOS, sound by Harman Kardon, Magic Remote with pointer and universal control, bulit-in WiFi, Intel WiDi support, Miracast support, MHL compatibility, time machine, 3G/4G dongle compatible, TV Camera compatible, 3 USB ports, and 4 HDMI ports.
The TV comes with vivid four-colour pixel technology named WRGB. This technology gives an extra White sub-pixel in addition to the traditional Red, Green, and Blue pixels. It has independently-lit pixels that control their own luminance for providing better contrast. In addition to this, the TV can go from white to darkest black while maintaining the realism and depth in content, owing to its self-lighting pixel technology.
It also has WebOS, which aids the smart features offered by LG. You can easily switch between Live TV content and smart TV features. The LG 4K OLED TVs also come with LG’s Magic Remote, which has features like point-and-click, wheel for scrolling, voice recognition, and Universal Control. The Universal Control feature lets you control all the devices connected to your TV via a single remote.