The launch of the Nokia Smart TV is just around the corner and before the launch, Flipkart has confirmed information about the features and design of the TV to Digit. Starting with the features, the Nokia Smart TV has been confirmed to feature Intelligent Dimming. Put simply, Intelligent Dimming understands the picture on the screen and optimises the contrast to enhance the image. Intelligent Dimming is said to process the image information in real-time and dims LEDs accordingly in darker areas of the image, giving you darker blacks and whiter whites in the same picture. All this results in an enhanced viewing experience.
Next up, we have Wide Colour Gamut (WCG) which has also been confirmed for the TV. Flipkart has told us that in comparison to non-WCG TVs that only use 40-50% of the 1billion colours, the upcoming Nokia TV with WCG uses more than 85% of the available 1 billion colours. Put simply, WCG enables the TV to display more colours. Because of WCG, the colour palette on display is wider which helps the image show deeper and richer colours. The WCG also helps increase the bit depth. This allows more shades to be available between turquoise blue and dark blue.
Last but not least, the Nokia Smart TV is also confirmed to support Dolby Vision. Dolby Vision is Dolby’s HDR standard and a feature usually found on high-end flagship TVs. A large catalogue of Netflix’s content is available in Dolby Vision. Also, a lot of 4K HDR Blu-rays support the feature. So, to make the most of the fidelity on offer, having a Dolby Vision enabled TV adds to the immersion.
Moving away from the features and coming to the design, today we have with us an image that shows off the slim bezels that surround the TV giving it a nearly bezel-free design. The TV is also confirmed to have a premium metallic frame.
We recently reported that the Nokia Smart TV would be powered by JBL speakers and you can read more about that here.