Tata Docomo has introduced a new plan for its CDMA postpaid customers. Under the new monthly plan priced at Rs. 1,299, Tata Docomo users get unlimited local and STD calls (including landlines), 3GB of data and 3000 messages (local & national) per month.
Post 3GB usage, users will be charged Rs. 0/30 per MB. After 3,000 messages, Re. 1 for local message and Rs. 1.50 for national and Rs. 5 for international messages will be charged. On roaming on other networks, users will be charged Re. 1 per minute for incoming calls and Rs. 1.50 per minute for local and STD outgoing calls. For data on roaming, users will be charged 10p per 10KB.
“The move comes from a strategic intent of making the brand relevant for the high value customers. Tata DOCOMO CDMA in continuance with offering value for money offers and distinct approach has liberated the consumer from the conditions that used to limit an unlimited plan. Therefore, creating a whole new paradigm of unlimited plans that are truly unlimited,” says Ramakrishna S, Chief Operating Officer, Andhra Pradesh Circle, Tata DOCOMO.