Jio outage! Users are facing problems with WhatsApp, Instagram, X, and more

Updated on 18-Jun-2024

Jio is one of the most popular service providers in India and today users across the country had to face significant disruptions. A lot of users, across India, complained about the Jio outage. They complained that the services were majorly affected and they were unable to use even the basic apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, YouTube, and Google.

The internet speed for Jio users is also pretty low. Moreover, even according to Downdetector, over 54 percent of the complaints today involve issues with mobile internet, 38 percent with Jio Fiber, and 7 percent with mobile networks. Users were quick to share their frustration on the internet. Many took to X, formerly Twitter, to share their views.

Here’s how users reacted to Jio outage on X

However, some also pointed out that the Jio network is not completely down. It is not working for some specific apps which include Google, Swiggy & major websites. Jio’s own platforms are working just fine. But since most major apps are not working, it is a big pain.

Since this Jio outage was big, people were expecting a quick response from Jio’s customer support. However, there has been no official communication from the company’s end. This has further added to the user’s frustration. This is also why we do not know the reason behind the disruption and when the networks will be restored.

We are still waiting for an official confirmation from Jio. Did you face the outage too?

Mustafa Khan

Mustafa is new on the block and is a tech geek who is currently working with Digit as a News Writer. He tests the new gadgets that come on board and writes for the news desk. He has found his way with words and you can count on him when in need of tech advice. No judgement. He is based out of Delhi, he’s your person for good photos, good food recommendations, and to know about anything GenZ.

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