Today, when we say "optical drive", the CD-Writer or DVD-Writer comes to mind rather than a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Production costs have decreased, and so have the ...
Technologies in communication systems keep changing. You've probably come across "2G," "3G," and "4G." But what does "G" mean anyway? Put simply, "G" is ...
This month: random tips to (what else) enhance your experience, and how you can use Registry hacks without actually using the Registry. Pretty Folder ... Another one-stop-shop portal, has all the top stories, images and videos related to space, satellites, behind-the-scenes politics that ...
India is fast emerging as a global technology hub: various multinational design labs, R&D houses, and product-centric start-ups are cropping up. In recent ...
Want to ogle Lara Croft's curves in her latest avatar? In 3D detail at that? IO2Technology, a US-based firm, has come out with what it calls the Heliodisplay, ...
There's been a lot of talk about Linux having "finally arrived" and "ready for your desktop" in these pages, and if you've read last month's Fast Track to Open ...
Dawn of War Dark Crusade A sound multiplayer experience… but that's about it Dark Crusade is the third instalment in the Dawn Of ...
Not too long ago, we gave you the low-down on some essential applications for your USB drive (Life in a USB Nutshell, Digit April 2006), but what if you didn't ...