Part I: Sync With Outlook With everything going online these days, Google has also entered the "get-yourself-organised" scene with Google Calendar. ...
Two friends drag Agent 001 with them to buy LCDs. They do; he decides to wait for yet another price dropAs it happened, one day two of my friends got up and ...
Named after the Roman god of war, looking fiery red in our telescopes, the fourth rock from the sun, our first stepping stone into "outer space" and perhaps ...
Lets face it… DX 10 isn't going to be any sort of gaming platform-and this, directly from Microsoft's mouth! All DX 10 was supposed to be was a platform ...
Every shoot-em-up gamer loves paintball games-it's the only way you can have the fun of gun-toting without the un-fun risk of death. War-game lovers, computer ...
Humans power technology. Simple truth. Machines have become such an integral part of our lives that we subconsciously accept them as beings, which is probably ...
Time folds and crumples as modern-day Paris is suddenly overrun by the evil Genma, who were thus far content with terrorising mediaeval Japan. Samanouske ...
We've talked about human nature elsewhere in this issue, and we return to it now: how many times have you said to someone on the phone, "I'll call you back! My ...
Almost all entry-level cell phones today have colour screens and polyphonic ringtones, and allow customisation of these. While most phones bundle good ...
Back in the good old days, you'd stare at your dirty laundry for a while, think, "Hmm... an hour for this lot," pop it into the old machine and twist the dial ...