On February 21, Xiaomi India tweeted, “Mi fans, the future is coming to Mi Homes. The #MiMIXAlpha, India's first #5GSmartphone is coming to select Mi Homes across the country starting tomorrow at Mi Homes in Embassy Tech Village and Indiranagar – Bangalore. Go, check it out. Coming soon to other Mi Homes.” BGR India has said that customers in Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Noida, Kolkata, Gurugram, Hyderabad and Chennai will also be able to experience the device soon, although there is no information when the device will come to the other cities.
Speaking of the device itself, the Mi Mix Alpha was announced in Beijing in September 2019. The device is a 5G concept smartphone with a wraparound three-sided display and a 108MP rear camera. Xiaomi says the device’s ‘4D surrounding curved display’ helps the phone achieve a screen-to-body ratio of 180.6 percent.
The Mi Mix Alpha is essentially one large wraparound touchscreen display covered in sapphire glass with a thin ceramic frame running across the height of the back panel to house the cameras. The top and bottom sides get a 2.15mm TC4 aerospace-grade titanium alloy frame each, which is attached to the ceramic strip on the back to hold everything in place. The part of the display that flows around the sides of the body is pressure-sensitive. A linear motor under the display simulates the touch of physical buttons.
The Mi Mix Alpha concept smartphone sports three camera sensors on the ceramic back strip. The primary sensor is a 108MP 1.6μm unit with an f/1.69 aperture, assisted by four-axis optical image stabilisation and laser auto focus. The secondary sensor is a 20MP 1.0μm ultra wide-angle unit with an f/2.2 aperture and 117-degree field of vision. Xiaomi says it’s capable of 1.5cm macro photography. The last sensor is a 12MP telephoto 1.4μm unit with an f/2.0 aperture.
The Mi Mix Alpha is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ chipset and comes with up to 128GB of UFS 3.0 internal storage space (expandable up to 512GB externally). A 40W wired fast charger comes bundled to juice up the phone’s 4050mAh nano silicon cathode battery. It is priced at 19,999 CNY (Rs 1,99,677 approx). You can read our impressions of the device here.