Xiaomi to set up two manufacturing plants in India

Xiaomi to set up two manufacturing plants in India

Xiaomi co-founder and President, Lin Bin also said that the company plans on focusing more on India as he feels that China’s market may be “flat’ this year

Xiaomi plans to set up two manufacturing plants in India. According to a report by Economic Times, Xiaomi co-founder and President Bin Lin said, “We talked to Foxconn about opening two new factories, they're in discussions with some of the provinces (states).” Meanwhile, Xiaomi’s India Head, Manu Jain has said that the company is trying to get “at least one of them up and running within this year.” Xiaomi is currently manufacturing in India out of Foxconn’s plant in Andhra Pradesh.

Lin also told Economic Times that the company will be focusing more on India and plans to manufacture mobile peripherals and components in the country. He believes that China’s market will be “flat” this year and may even decline, while the Indian market may rise. In addition, he said that Xiaomi’s new flagship smartphone, the Mi 5 will not be made in India initially and that the price of the device could be between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 27,000 based on the prices in China. During the launch of the Redmi Note 3 earlier this month, Xiaomi Vice President, Hugo Barra had said that the Mi 5 will be available in India from April

Shrey Pacheco

Shrey Pacheco

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