Last month, Xiaomi launched the Poco F1 as the cheapest smartphone in the world bearing the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 flagship chipset. For the handset, the Chinese tech giant developed a special skin ‘MIUI for Poco’ based on Android 8.1 Oreo. MIUI for Poco comes with the Poco Launcher, an App Drawer, and other customisation options. Xiaomi claims that MIUI for Poco accounts for up to 28 percent faster app boot up and 22 percent faster animations compared to other popular OSes. Now, Xiaomi has released the MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM for Poco F1. The development was announced on and the 2.5GB Global Beta ROM 8.9.13 bring with it fixes for some commonly reported issues on the Poco F1.
“Hey POCO F1 users, Here comes great news! MIUI 10 Global Beta ROM 8.9.13 Released for POCO F1! Let's give credits to our dear developers, beta testers who have devoted so much time, energy to make this gorgeous moment happen. Their contributions shall be honored and respected. What are you waiting for? Time to update and enjoy!,” the company announced on its website. The ROM fixes the issue in which some app icons were not showing in the notification panel. The issue of “OK Google” not working and of low and distorted headphone output sound while playing PUBG have also been taken care of in the latest release.
Poco is a new subsidiary of Xiaomi and the Poco F1 is its first smartphone launch. One of the highlighting feature of the Poco F1 is the Liquid Cooling technology that is claimed to keep the device cool even when the user is in intense usage sessions. The smartphone sports a 6.18-inch Full HD+ IPS LCD display with a resolution of 19:9. There is a wide notch on the Corning Gorilla Glass protected display because the phone has an IR lens to make the face unlock more effective in the dark conditions. The notch encapsulates a lighting sensor, earpiece, a 20MP camera and a proximity sensor.
The Poco F1 smartphone is offered in three variants, 6GB DDR4 RAM + 64GB UFS 2.1 storage, 6GB DDR4 RAM +128GB UFS 2.1 storage and 8GB DDR4 RAM + 256GB UFS 2.1 storage. Buyers will have an option to expand the memory up to 256GB via a hybrid slot and houses a 4,000mAh battery which can be charged by a USB Type C port. When it comes to optics, the Poco F1 has a dual camera setup at the back: The primary camera is a 12MP Sony IMX 363 lens with f/1.8 aperture, dual pixel PDAF technology, and the secondary camera has a 5MP sensor. There are two speakers for the surround effect and have a Dual Smart Power Amplifier with Dirac HD Sound.