Vivo has officially announced a new smartphone, the Vivo Y90. The entry-level smartphone has launched for Rs 6,990 in India. The smartphone features a matte finish-like back panel alongside a single rear camera. The key specifications of the phone include a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC, a waterdrop notch, an 8MP rear camera, and a 5MP selfie camera. However, the phone is expected to be launched in India soon, and it could cost around Rs 6,990. The device will be available in Black and Gold colour variants across all offline partner stores and major e-commerce websites starting July 27.
“In line with our India strategy, we work relentlessly to provide consumers with a wide spectrum of products with innovative features that meets their specific requirements across different price brackets. The latest addition to our Y-Series portfolio is a significant step in this direction. The Y90 caters to the increasing expectations of our consumers who are on a constant look-out for a device with bigger battery and bigger display at a highly affordable price point," Nipun Marya, Director Brand Strategy, Vivo India, said in a statement.
The Vivo Y90 features a 6.22-inch HD+ display, which has a resolution of 720×1520 pixels. The phone is powered by the Helio A22 chipset, paired with 2GB RAM. It has 32GB of onboard storage along with an option to expand further (up to 512GB) using a microSD card slot. The device runs Funtouch OS 4.5 based on Android 8.1 Oreo.
In the optics department, the Vivo Y90 sports an 8MP rear camera with an f/2.0 aperture lens. It has a 5MP front camera with an f/1.8 aperture lens, which resides in the notch. Coming to the features of rear camera, it includes Palm Capture, Face Beauty, Professional, Voice Control, Time-Lapse, Slow, Time Watermark, and Model Watermark. On the other hand, the front camera has features like Palm Capture, Voice Control, Time Watermark, Selfie Lighting, Time Watermark, and Face Beauty.
The Vivo Y90 packs a 4030 mAh battery. As for the connectivity options, the smartphone has Wi-Fi 2.4GHz, Bluetooth 5, Micro-USB port, GPS, USB OTG, 3.5mm audio jack, and more. The device also sports ambient light sensor, digital compass, accelerometer, gyroscope sensor, and proximity sensor.
The smartphone also supports Face Unlock. It measures 155.11×75.09×8.28mm dimensions, and weighs 163.5 grams.