Last week, Vivo launched the Vivo V15 in India and users can now pre-book the phone on company’s e-store, Flipkart and Amazon. Although the phone was launched in Glamour Red, Frozen Black and Royal Blue colours, only the red and black shades are available for pre-order on all the three platforms. It will be available for purchase from April 1 via the Vivo India E-store, Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm Mall, and Tata CliQ, as well as other offline stores.
The Vivo V15 is the smaller sibling of the Vivo V15 Pro, which is already on sale in the country. The Vivo V15 and the V15 Pro differ in processor and the rear camera setup. The front camera on both the phones is the same 32MP sensor fitted in a pop-up mechanism. There is also minute difference in the display size of both the devices.
The Vivo V15 features a 6.53-inch FHD+ FullView display with a 90.95 percent screen-to-body ratio. Under the hood, the phone has an octa-core MediaTek Helio P70 mobile platform clocked at 2.1GHz with 6GB of RAM, and ships with 64GB of onboard storage. The phone runs on Android Pie 9.0 with Funtouch OS 9. It packs a 4,000mAh battery with the company’s Dual-Engine fast charging system.
Just like its ‘Pro’ sibling, the highlight of the Vivo V15 is its camera setup. On the front, the phone sports a 32MP pop-up camera, and at the back is an AI-powered triple camera setup with a 12MP Dual Pixel Sensor, combined with an 8MP Super Wide Angle Camera and a 5MP Depth Camera. The 8MP Super Wide Angle Camera offers a 120-degree field of view. Those who want to buy the phone can avail 5 percent SBI cashback on Credit/Debit card regular transactions and credit card EMI transaction. Jio customers can also get benefits worth Rs 10,000, and the company is also offering One Time Screen replacement as well.
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