Earlier this year, Samsung India launched four mid-segment smartphones, including the Galaxy J6 (First Impressions). The phone is powered by Samsung’s Exynos 7 series processor. Later, the South Korean giant rebranded the Galaxy J6 as Galaxy On6 and launched it as an online-only smartphone in the country. Now, a report has claimed that Samsung is working on another device that may be called the Galaxy J6+, powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor. The report also says that if Samsung decides to bring this particular phone to India, it may launch it under the name Galaxy On6+.
An XDA recognised contributor discovered a model under development bearing code name “j6plte.” The firmware files for “j6plte” are claimed to correspond to a model named “Samsung J6-Plus LTE CIS SER.” If the the report is to believed, this model may launch in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Serbia (SER). The phone in question is reported to sport a 5.6-inch Super AMOLED display with 1480×720 resolution and an 18.5:9 aspect ratio. We have already mentioned that the phone could have a Snapdragon 450 processor, but there is no information about the RAM and the on-board memory in the spec-sheet that has been published on the XDA news portal.
The smartphone could sport dual-cameras on the back and one front camera, however, details about the lenses are not mentioned in the spec-sheet. The report also says the phone will have a front and rear LED flash, a 4,350mah battery and Android Oreo OS. If we compare the Galaxy J6 with the rumoured Galaxy J6+, we can notice that both the devices have almost similar specifications. The major difference is the dual-camera at the back and the processor. To recall, Samsung Galaxy J6 was launched in May with 5.6-inch HD+ display. The phone sports a 13MP camera at the back, while at the front is an 8MP unit. It is equipped with a 3,000mAH battery and runs Android Oreo. The Samsung Galaxy J6 is available in two variants. The 3GB RAM/32GB storage variant is priced at Rs 13,990, while the 4GB RAM/64GB storage variants is priced at Rs 16,490.