Samsung’s flagship phablet, the Galaxy Note 5, has been unveiled in India, weeks after its international launch. The Note 5 will be available from September 20th in two variants – 32GB and 64GB. The device is priced at Rs. 53,900 and Rs. 59,900 respectively. It will be available in Black Sapphire, Gold Platinum and Silver Titanium shades.
Coming to the specifications, the Note 5 has the same Exynos 7 octa-core processor as the Galaxy S6, with 4GB of RAM. It houses a 16MP rear camera with OIS, along with a 5MP selfie camera. Like last year’s Note 4, the Galaxy Note 5 also has a 5.7-inch QHD S-AMOLED display, but the materials used to build the phone have changed. Samsung has given the phone a glass back, like the Galaxy S6, which is curved at the rear.
The Galaxy Note 5 runs on Android v5.1.1 layered with Samsung’s TouchWiz UI. A 3000mAh non-removable battery powers the entire package. The phone also supports both wireless and PMA quick charge technologies. Samsung says that the Galaxy Note 5 will charge as fast as the Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge. It is, of course, 4G-compliant.
Samsung has also made changes to the S-Pen, allowing users to add favourite apps to use the S-Pen with. In addition, you can now use the S-Pen to draw on the display, even when it is turned off, which is handy if you need to take a note ASAP (no pun intended).