The Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has received a Rs 6,000 discount and is now available for Rs 35,900 and Rs 37,900 for the 32GB and 128GB variants respectively. It should be noted that the discount is applicable only while purchasing the smartphone offline and buyers can also avail an extra Rs 5,000 discount by paying for the device via Paytm. The price drop was first tweeted by an offline reseller.
The Galaxy S7 Edge (review) was unveiled at MWC 2016 and it features a 5.5-inch QHD curved Super AMOLED display. The smartphone is powered by Samsung’s own Exynos 8890 octa core processor and 4GB RAM. It comes in the two above mentioned variants and is also equipped with 12MP Dual Pixel rear cameras with f/1.7 aperture lens and smart OIS feature as well. On the front, it sports a 5MP front facing camera with an f/1.7 aperture lens. The device is powered by a 3600mAh battery.
The fresh discount on the smartphone comes just before MWC 2018, where Samsung will unveil its flagship Galaxy S9 smartphones. The company is hosting an event ahead of the trade show and is expected to showcase the Galaxy S9 and the Galaxy S9 plus. Various leaks and rumours reveal what the devices could offer and as per a previous report, and many hints by the company’s teasers, both the smartphones could be equipped with a variable aperture lens cameras.
Also, the Galaxy S9 Plus is rumoured to feature the same infinity display design and build as their predecessors, with some minor changes. The Galaxy S9 could sport a 5.8-inch Super AMOLED panel with a resolution of 2960 x 1440 pixels, whereas the Galaxy S9 Plus could come with a 6.1-inch display with the same resolution and panel technology. They could be powered by the Snapdragon 845 in the US and also come with the Exynos 9810 in Europe and some other regions. You can read more about the Galaxy S9 smartphones here and know more of what smartphone manufacturers are speculated to unveil at MWC 2018 here.