Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra will launch in India and other countries with Galaxy S25 and S25+ at the Unpacked 2025 event on January 22. The flagship device is already a hot topic for all the tech enthusiasts and a series of leaks are floating all over the internet including the specifications, price and other details. Now, a tipster has revealed the potential sale date, colours and storage variants ahead of launch.
According to the tipster, the Galaxy S25 Ultra will launch in different colours including Titanium Gray, Titanium Black, Titanium Silver Blue, Titanium Pink Gold, Titanium White Silver, Titanium Jade Green, and Titanium Jet Black. It is worth noting that the company has not confirmed the colours yet.
Speaking of the variants, the tipster claims that the device will launch with three different storage variants including 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB. Not only that, the tipster also claimed that the deliveries of the Samsung Galaxy S25 series will begin on February 3 and sales will start on February 9.
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Additionally, the tipster also revealed information about the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ variants and colours. Both the devices will come with 256GB and 512GB. In terms of colours, the devices will feature Blue Black, Silver Shadow, Pink Gold, Coral Red, Mint, Navy or Icy Blue.
Meanwhile, the Galaxy S25 Ultra is expected to feature a new design with a more curvier form factor. Along with that, the device is said to feature the new Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset and a new 50MP ultrawide sensor. Other specifications are expected to be similar to the Galaxy S24 Ultra, claims the latest leak. However, we will have to wait for the official announcement to get detailed information.