Samsung is preparing to launch the Galaxy S25 series this month, with a number of updates and new features. For those who are unaware, the company has announced the official dates for Galaxy Unpacked 2025, which may include the introduction of the Galaxy S25 series, Project Moohan XR headset, Smart Glasses, Galaxy Ring 2, and other products.
After announcing the Galaxy S25 series launch date, the company has begun accepting pre-orders for the devices. Here’s everything you need to know about the Galaxy S25 Ultra’s pre-reservation offers and more.
Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2025 is scheduled to take place on January 22 at San Jose, California, United States at 11:30 PM IST. The fans can see the live launch event on the company’s official website and YouTube channel.
READ: Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2025 date announced: Galaxy S25, S25+, S25 Ultra, and more to launch
If you are looking forward to buying any one of the Galaxy S25, S25+ or Galaxy S25 Ultra, you can now pre-reserve the devices by paying Rs 2,000. It is a refundable token amount which will be reduced from the final amount the purchase. If you pre-reserve any device, you will be able to get the benefits worth Rs 5,000.
Additionally, you will be eligible for the early sale of these devices across online or offline stores. You will also get the option to choose from the limited edition colours, and different RAM/storage variants. Additionally, they will be able to exchange their current smartphones at the best possible value. The company will also offer assured buyback of up to 70 percent.
During the launch event, Samsung is expected to announce a variety of devices including the Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25 Plus, and Galaxy S25 Ultra. This year can be special with the new Galaxy S25 Slim. Additionally, the list may include the second generation Galaxy Ring, Project Moohan XR headset, smart glasses and more.