It seems like Samsung is planning something big for its next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S10. According to a report by ETNews, the company may launch as many as three variants of the smartphone, with the top-most model offering a total of five cameras. This “ultra premium” model of the smartphone is expected to feature a triple camera setup at the back, while at the front, it may feature a dual-camera setup. The ‘standard’ model is tipped to offer a dual-rear/single-front setup, while the ‘mid-range’ model may offer a ‘triple-rear/single-front setup.
The report notes that since the need for camera sensor units will increase, Samsung may add a “medium-sized contractor” to meet the demand for cameras sensor units. It’s added that comapnies like MCNEX, CamSys, Partron and Power Logics are working together.
It should be noted that there is still type for the final specs of the smartphone to change. However, offering a triple camera setup should help the Galaxy S10 better compete with phones like the Huawei P20 Pro, at least on paper.
However, the offering a total of five cameras might still be paltry if reports concerning the Nokia 9 are to be believed. The upcoming Nokia smartphone is expected to feature five rear cameras for a penta-rear camera setup. The phone is also expected to offer a 4150 mAH capacity battery.