Samsung breaks records with Galaxy S II, sells 3 million in 55 days

Samsung breaks records with Galaxy S II, sells 3 million in 55 days

The Samsung Galaxy S II has been an immensely popular phone with both critics and users ever since its release nearly two months ago, and now, we are seeing some numbers to back up that statement. Samsung has announced it has managed to sell 3 million Galaxy S II phones in the 55 days that have elapsed since launch, going ahead and breaking Samsung’s own product sale records. Doing some quick math, that comes down to nearly 50,000 devices being sold each day, the world over.


Talk about no supply problem and product shortages! Samsung also revealed that the most phones sold were in the European territories. All this, without the Galaxy S II being sold in one of the world’s biggest markets for smartphones and Apple’s primary target for the bestselling iPhone – the United States of America. Truly astounding…

We won’t be surprised if the device manages to break the original Galaxy S phone’s (and its family‘s) total sales records, very soon. Speaking of families, Samsung also recently introduced a low-cost version of the Galaxy S II, called the Galaxy Z, which is surprisingly well-endowed for a cheaper alternative.

Do check out our Galaxy S II review, as well as our HTC Sensation review.

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal View Full Profile