The Indian government has greenlit the 5G launch in the country and asked leading brands like Samsung and Apple to expedite 5G software support in their phones. Following this, brands have projected the timeline for this. Meanwhile, Reliance Jio and Airtel have launched their 5G services in select cities in India. So, let’s see which of the phones from both of these smartphone giants support 5G.
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"We are working closely with our operator partners and are committed to rolling out OTA updates across all our 5G devices by the middle of November 2022, enabling Indian consumers to experience 5G seamlessly. Samsung has pioneered 5G technology development since 2009 and took the leading role in standardising 5G technology globally," a Samsung India spokesperson told IANS.
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"We are working with our carrier partners in India to bring the best 5G experience to iPhone users as soon as network validation and testing for quality and performance are completed. 5G will be enabled via a software update and will start rolling out to iPhone users in December," Apple told IANS.
Also, in case you are wondering, Jio True 5G is currently available in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Varanasi. On the other hand, Airtel 5G Plus is available in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Varanasi, Nagpur, and Siliguri.
(Inputs from IANS included)
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