RIM’s BlackBerry tablet to offer full Flash support

RIM’s BlackBerry tablet to offer full Flash support

Well, the rumours of a BlackBerry tablet have certainly been doing the rounds for a while, and recent information from a research analyst at a reputed consultancy suddenly lent even more credence to the actual development of said device. Now, “a source close to RIM” has confirmed that the Ashok Kumar’s statements regarding the BB tablet were accurate. The new source dropped another tasty titbit apart from the 7-inch screen size, 1GHz Marvell processor, and dual camera details: the upcoming BlackBerry tablet will have complete Adobe Flash support, and even hardware based Flash acceleration!

At least these last two rumours have not been conflicting: we’ve had reports of everything from a hardware keypad to a touchscreen interface to a 8.9-inch screen on the BlackBerry tablet. We can only wait now, and act in the know when RIM finally officially announces the much awaited tablet.

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal

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