The Redmi Note 8 was launched alongside the Redmi Note 8 Pro in October, last year. The younger of the two siblings later made its way to the offline outlets in India. Now, the price of Redmi Note 8 has been hiked by Rs 500. Only the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant gets affected. The price of other models remains the same. While Xiaomi has not made any formal announcement regarding the price hike, it is already live on and Amazon India website.
The price of 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant of Redmi Note 8 has been increased by Rs 500. While it was earlier selling for Rs 9,999, it is now available for purchase at Rs 10,499. The price hike is a result of the coronavirus outbreak in China, which has led to a shortage in the supply chain.
A Xiaomi spokesperson told Gadgets360, “the extended shutdown in China is likely to have an impact on our Supply chain and, there is a risk of impact on the overall quantum of component supplies. While we are working to explore alternative supply channels for components and raw materials, the immediate impact is that the short supply might cause some negative pressure on the prices of these components. This has led to an increase in the price of the product temporarily.”
Redmi Note 8 features a 6.3-inch FHD+ screen with a dot drop notch. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 chipset. It packs a 4000mAh battery with support for 18W fast charging. The handset runs MIUI 10 based on Android 9 Pie.
On the optics front, the Redmi Note 8 sports a quad rear camera setup: a primary 48MP Samsung GM1 sensor with f/1.79 lens + an 8MP Ultra-Wide lens that covers120-degree + a 2MP depth sensor + a 2MP Macro lens. It has a 13MP selfie shooter as well.