Redmi recently launched its Redmi Note 7S smartphone in India, which is now available via an open sale. However, the Redmi Note 7 Pro with 48MP camera goes up for sale today at 12 PM. The mid-range smartphone by the company is powered by the Snapdragon 675 SoC and comes equipped with a dual camera setup. Highlights of the smartphone include a 48MP Sony IMX586 sensor, which is claimed to capture good images even in low light conditions. Since the device is not yet available in open sale, one is advised to keep their trigger finger ready for buying it.
The Redmi Note 7 Pro features a dual rear camera setup, which, as mentioned earlier, includes a 48MP primary sensor with an f/1.79 lens. There’s also a 5MP secondary depth sensor. On the front, it gets a 13MP shooter. The smartphone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 chipset and comes with up to 6GB RAM and up to 128GB of internal storage. It runs on Android 9 Pie out of the box with MIUI 10 layered on top. The Redmi Note 7 Pro comes equipped with a 6.3-inch full-HD+ display that offers a resolution of 1080×2340 pixels and has a 19.5:9 aspect ratio.
The 4GB RAM + 64GB model of the Redmi Note 7 Pro is priced at Rs 13,999, while its 6GB RAM + 128GB version costs Rs 16,999. It will be available in Nebula Red, Neptune Blue, and Space Black colour models. The smartphone goes on sale today at 12 PM via a Flipkart, and Mi Home Stores.
For launch offers, Reliance Jio users can avail a double data offer when they recharge with Rs 198 and above. Xiaomi is also offering up to 1,120GB data along with unlimited calling for Airtel subscribers.