The Redmi Note 7 finally has a launch date in India. The smartphone will be unveiled in the country on February 28 and Xiaomi is gearing up for a big fan event to hype up the launch of the 48MP camera phone. The Redmi Note 7 is expected to be accompanied by the Redmi Note 7 Pro and Redmi Go, both of which have been highly anticipated by Indian smartphone buyers.
To give fans a chance to attend the launch event of the three new Redmi phones, Xiaomi has opened registrations for the event. Those who are interested to buy tickets for the Redmi Note 7 India launch event need to register for it between February 14 12:00 PM – February 16 12:00 PM (IST). Users will need to login using their Mi account and start the registration process detailed below.
Tickets for the Redmi Note 7 India launch event are priced at Rs 480 per person. The registration for the event can be completed on Xiaomi’s website, especially hosted for the event. Xiaomi insists that users provide accurate information while registering for the event. Once submitted, registration details cannot be altered.
After the above mentioned registration period is completed, the Mi Community team will select top Mi Community contributors based on Mi Community points/user groups, and only allow these selected members to purchase a ticket.
Those who get selected to attend the Redmi Note 7 launch event will receive an email with a link to purchase the ticket on February 18. The ticket purchase is mandatory for attending the event. Xiaomi will share event and venue details only with the ones who have purchased a ticket in order to avoid mass gatherings, which are common for such Mi community events.
Do note that each Mi Community member can only purchase one ticket and that tickets are limited. The tickets are also non-refundable, non-cancellable and non-transferable.