The Redmi 8 will be up for sale today at 12 PM via Flipkart, and Mi Home Stores. The entry-level handset sports a 6.22-inch HD+ display and is powered by the Snapdragon 439 SoC. It is priced starting at Rs 7,999 and goes up against the Realme 5 and other handsets that are priced the same. However, the company is trying to capture the market by offering more features with the Redmi 8, whose USP is a 5000mAh battery that supports fast charging. We suggest you keep your trigger finger ready for buying the handset, in case you are planning to. Here’s all that you need to know.
The Redmi 8 comes equipped with a 6.22-inch HD+ display that has a 720×1520 pixel resolution and is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 5. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 439 SoC and comes with up to 4GB RAM and up to 64GB of storage that can be expanded via a microSD card. It sports a 12MP + 2MP dual-rear camera setup on the back and is equipped with an 8MP sensor for selfies. As mentioned earlier, it gets a 5000mAh battery that supports 18W fast charging via a Type-C port.
The Redmi 8 starts at Rs 7,999 for the 3GB + 32GB storage variant and goes up to Rs 8,999 for the 4GB + 64GB storage version. However, the company is selling the first 5 million units of the 4GB + 64GB storage variant for an introductory price of Rs 7,999. The handset will go up for sale at 12 PM via Flipkart,, and Mi Home stores. It will be available in Onyx Black, Ruby Red, Emerald Green, and Sapphire Blue colour models.