It looks like Xiaomi will soon launch the Redmi 7A smartphone in India. The company’s Managing Director in India. Manu Kumar Jain, teased the launch of the phone on Twitter. Jain also noted that Xiaomi has sold a total of 23.6 million units of the Redmi 4A, 5A and 6A in India as of April, 2019. Jain did not reveal the launch date of the device, but it is possible that the phone will be launched alongside the Redmi K20 series of devices on July 15.
The Chinese variant of the Redmi 7A packs a 5.45-inch HD+ display and features a 4000mAh battery. It is powered by a Snapdragon 439 SoC and is available in 2GB/16GB and 3GB/32GB variants. The phone features a single 13MP rear camera, and a 5MP front camera. It also packs a 4000mAh battery.
The Redmi K20 Pro will be the brand’s new flagship device in India. The phone sports a Snapdragon 855, and is available in China with up to 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. It packs a 6.39-inch HDR AMOLED display and a 48MP dual camera stack. The regular Redmi K20 shares most of the features of the flagship, but with the Snapdragon 730 powering things instead of the Snapdragon 855.