After its flagship Realme GT 7 Pro, the smartphone maker is gearing up for the launch of the Realme 14 Pro series in India. The launch event is scheduled for tomorrow and the lineup will include two smartphones: the Realme 14 Pro and the Realme 14 Pro+. Ahead of the launch, a lot of rumours and leaks have surfaced online. In addition to that, Realme has also teased some specs for the upcoming Realme 14 Pro+.
On the design front, the Realme 14 Pro+ will feature a colour-changing rear panel. The Pearl White variant shifts hues in cooler temperatures, turning blue below 16°C, while the Suede Grey option sports a vegan leather finish. This time Realme is also revealing India-exclusive colours: these are Jaipur Pink and Bikaner Purple. In addition to that, both models will feature a slim 7.5mm profile and a triple-camera setup.
Moreover, the plus variant can also feature a quad-curve design with a 1.5K resolution and slim bezels. On the performance front, both the Realme 14 Pro series smartphones can work on the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chipset. We will also see a triple camera setup on the rear. Lastly, it can pack a 6,000mAh battery and the series introduces a “Titan Battery” for extended usage.
If we consider last year’s pricing, the Realme 14 Pro series can be priced at Rs 26,999 for the Realme 14 Pro and Rs 32,999 for the Realme 14 Pro+. Let’s take this information with a pinch of salt as the final prices will only be revealed tomorrow. However, they can be around this mark.
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