Qualcomm has announced that its ‘Qualcomm Toq’ smartwatch will available to consumers by December 2 2013 in the US.
The smartwatch will be compatible with Android smartphones and will feature some of Qualcomm’s proprietary MEMS Technologies like the ‘Qualcomm Mirasol display’ technology, that provides an always-on experience with multiple days of battery life .Qualcomm also said that its Google Android-compatible Toq will be the first smartwatch with a touch-enabled “Mirasol” color screen that can be easily be viewed in bright sunlight.
“Like a traditional watch, Toq displays information at a glance with no on/off switch. And paired with a smartphone to receive notifications and content, it allows the watch to seamlessly merge our physical and digital lives. Leveraging these and other industry-leading technologies, we and our partners will enable new product opportunities and consumer experiences”, said Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, chairman and chief executive officer of Qualcomm.
It will also feature something they call Qualcomm WiPower LE technology that enables “drop and go” wireless charging experience. Along with that there is a Stereo Bluetooth audio experience – first wireless stereo headphones that sit outside the ear canal. With the Bluetooth wireless technology, the smartwatch will also allow consumers to accept/reject calls, view text messages and meeting alerts.
For more information about Qualcomm Toq, click here.