Qualcomm has announced a new processor in its 600-series. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 is a successor to the Snapdragon 660 chipset seen on phones like the Xiaomi Mi A2, Nokia 7 Plus, BlackBerry Key 2 and more. The Snapdragon 670 is built to power AI-centric tasks, given the increasing role of machine learning processes in smartphones today. The Snapdragon 670 includes the Qualcomm Kryo 360 CPU, Qualcomm Spectra 250 dual-cam ISP, Qualcomm AI Engine, Adreno 615 GPU and Snapdragon X12 LTE modem. It will be targeted towards mid-range handsets.
Just like the recently launched Snapdragon 710 processor, the Snapdragon 670 also offers an Octa-core setup – 2x Kryo 360 cores + 6x Kryo 360 power efficiency core. The two big cores are based on Cortex-A75 architecture, while the six small ones are designed on Cortex-A55 architecture. The two top cores are clocked at up to 2.0 GHz, while the smaller cores are clocked up to 1.7 GHz. Qualcomm says that the Snapdragon 670 brings a 25 per cent performance boost over its predecessor Snapdragon 660.
The new chipset is also designed to perform AI tasks on smartphones. With Qualcomm’s third-gen AI Engine, the Snapdragon 670 boasts of efficient sensor management abilities, ideal for computing algorithms that make AI-powered apps. Qualcomm claims that the AI efficiency of the Snapdragon 670 is 1.8X of the Snapdragon 660. “Because its AI capabilities are on-device, users can expect near real-time responsiveness, improved privacy, and enhanced reliability, even when the device lacks a network connection,” Qualcomm wrote in its official release.
The Spectra 250 Image Signal Processor on the Snapdragon 670 will allow smartphone OEMs to offer features such as noise reduction, image stabilisation, and active depth sensing. It is also expected to reduce power usage by 30 per cent and support up to 25MP single cameras and 16MP dual cameras.
The Snapdragon X12 LTE modem supports download speeds of up to 600Mbps and upload speeds of up to 150Mbps, which should make streaming tasks smooth and interruption free.