Poco X2 is all set to be launched in India on February 4. Leading up to the launch, the company is revealing its features bit by bit. Poco X2 was recently confirmed to support 27W fast charging technology. Now, the company has posted a new teaser video showing the design of the upcoming smartphone. It indicates that Poco X2 may, in fact, be a Redmi K30.
The latest development comes from Poco India Twitter account that posted a teaser video revealing the phone in purple colour. It showcases a fingerprint scanner built in the power button. Plus, a slight hue of the back cameras can also be noticed. The arrangement and design seems similar to that of Redmi K30. All of this hints that the Redmi K30 may arrive in India as the Poco X2.
Poco has already confirmed that Poco X2 will come with a 120Hz refresh rate and feature a USB Type-C port, 3.5mm audio jack, and a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. If it turns out to be a rebranded Redmi K30 4G, then Poco X2 will feature a 6.67-inch full-HD+ display with a 20:9 aspect ratio and dual hole-punch selfie cameras, and it will be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G chipset.
On the optics front, Poco X2 is touted to sport a quad rear camera with 64MP main camera, an 8MP shooter and two 2MP sensors. The notch could house 20MP + 2MP selfie shooters.
Poco X2 could pack a 4500mAh battery and have features like NMF and IR blaster