While the Google Pixel 4 lineup didn’t come to India, but its major camera features like Super Res Zoom and Astrophotography have made their way to the older Pixel devices. With the new addition, Pixel and Pixel 2 users will now be able to shoot nightscapes with impressive detail, including stars. The latest development comes from the developer community over at XDA-Developers. The modified version of Google Camera 7.2 is available to download for the original and the 2nd generation Pixel devices.
As listed on the forum, features included in Google Camera version 7.2.010 are-
While Astrophotography feature helps in clicking nightscapes with impressive details, Super Res Zoom is Google’s method of software for taking pictures from far away. The feature is already available for the last generation Pixel devices, however, it is now also available on the original Pixel and Pixel 2. Users can read more about the Google Camera version 7.2.010 here. You can download the APK by clicking here.
Meanwhile, Google has made it clear that features like Live HDR+ and Dual Exposure Controls will not make their way to older Pixel devices. Google stated that Live HDR+ and Dual Exposure Controls can’t be rolled out to older Pixel devices as they “require low-level capabilities in the hardware that are only available in the Pixel 4.” You can read more about it here.