Oppo will launch its flagship Find X smartphone in India at an event slated to begin at 1:00PM today. The smartphone was unveiled in June last month and unmistakably, its highlight is the almost bezel-less display and its camera setup. The smartphone comes with a 93.8 percent screen-to-body ratio and at first glance, you won't see any cameras on the device. That's because Oppo has hidden them using a mechanical slider that pops-up when you need to click a picture or unlock the device using Face Recognition. You can watch the live stream of the event right here, from the embedded video stream below.
The Oppo Find X was launched priced at £999 (Rs 89,500 approx) in Europe and could be priced around the same in India as well. The company is also expected to bring the device’s Lamborghini edition to India, which is priced at £1,699 (Rs 1,52,281 approx). The Oppo Find X Lamborghini Edition comes with higher in-built storage, better-charging capabilities, an engraved Lamborghini logo on the rear and more.
Coming to the specifications, the Oppo Find X features a 6.4-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with 19.5:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by Snapdragon’s latest 845 SoC, coupled with 8GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The Lamborghini edition of the device feature 256GB of onboard storage. The Find X is equipped with a 16MP + 20MP dual-rear camera setup and on the front is a 25MP sensor that supports Face Unlock. As mentioned earlier, both cameras are placed on a mechanical slider and pop-up when required. Oppo calls them stealth 3D cameras and the slider mechanism is said to come up and close in mere 0.5 seconds.
The handset runs on Android 8.1 Oreo and is backed by a 3730mAh battery, which supports company’s VOOC fast wired charging. The Lamborghini edition is backed by a slightly smaller 3,400mAh battery that also supports VOOC and the company claims that it is charged from nil to 100 percent in 35 minutes. This special variant of the device features a carbon fiber textured rear panel.