Chinese handset maker OPPO has unveiled a special version of its flagship smartphone, the Oppo F5 in India at Rs 24,990. The smartphone comes with Artificial Intelligence(AI)-enabled selfie technology.
"We are excited to announce this collaboration with Vogue on their 10th anniversary for the OPPO F5 6GB 'Red Edition' for all the fashion divas who love taking selfies and capture precious moments," said Will Yang, Brand Director, OPPO India.
The Oppo F5 is now available in Red and Black, this is the first phone to come with 6GB RAM in this price segment, the company said in a statement. The device sports technology which is designed to personalise beautification of subjects while taking a selfie.
With over 200 facial recognition spots, Oppo F5's 6GB variant can distinguish users' facial features from skin tone and type, gender and age.
The device has 6-inch FHD+ full-screen display with 18:9 aspect ratio that offers an immersive viewing expeience.