Oppo has launched a new Rose Gold colour variant of its F3 smartphone. The device is priced at Rs 19,990 and will be exclusively available online through Flipkart, although it will be available offline as well. Will Yang, Brand Director, Oppo India stated, “By launching the OPPO F3 Rose Gold Version, we aim to offer our Indian consumer an outstanding confluence of fashion and technology where exquisite design meets innovative camera technology. We have received a tremendous response for OPPO F3, especially from the younger audience. So, we decided to surprise them with a fashionable and trendier variant of the OPPO F3.”
The Rose Gold Oppo F3 comes with the same hardware as the standard smartphone. So it also offers the same dual-setup consisting of a standard camera and another 120-degree wide-angle camera. At the back is a 13MP camera primary camera. The phone sports a 5.5-inch Full HD display and is powered by MediaTek MT6750T SoC with 4GB of RAM. It is equipped with a 3200mAh battery and offers 64GB of internal storage. On August 9 and 10, fans can raise questions for the actress and five participants will get their questions answered.
A few months ago, Oppo launched a Black colour variant of its F3 smartphone. As the name would suggest, the device was an all black version of the smartphone. There was also a limited edition variant of the phone called the Oppo F3 BCCI Limited Edition. This was also a black coloured version of the phone, however, at the back was BCCI’s logo along with the signatures of Virat Kholi, MS Dhoni, and Ravichandran Ashwin.
You can read our review of the Oppo F3 here.