OnePlus removed the headphone jack from its phone with the OnePlus 6T, saying that it was necessary to integrate the in-display fingerprint sensor and make space for other components. It launched the OnePlus Bullets as an audio accessory for the device and now, Pete Lau, the company’s CEO has hinted that it could launch truly wireless earphones alongside the upcoming OnePlus smartphone. Lau, in a directly translated Weibo post says, “Under the general trend of canceling the earphone hole, a wireless headset with the ultimate experience will be a product that we can polish for a long time.”
Lau’s post goes on to praise the company’s Bullets Wireless from last year and saying that the company could make it better. There are speculations that alongside truly wireless earphones, the company could also release a second iteration of the Bullets Wireless earphones. A number of companies are already in the truly wireless earphone space, vying for a chunk of the market. Apple has the Airpods, Jabra has the Elite 65t and Elite Active 65t earphone, and the latest one being Samsung, who announced its Galaxy Buds truly wireless earphone alongside the Samsung Galaxy S10 series of handsets.
Speaking of the Samsung Galaxy Buds, the earbuds feature a compact form factor and comes with wireless charging support. As most wired headphones, the wireless Galaxy Buds are also tuned by AKG. It features adaptive dual microphones that switch the audio source between the outer and inner mic depending on how noisy it is. The device is touted to be 30 percent lighter and is claimed to stream upto 6 hours of music on a single charge. It comes with Bixby to support voice commands, features Type-C connectivity and is equipped with a 5.8pi Dynamic Driver.
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