OnePlus is giving users in India a chance to purchase a OnePlus 3 before its official launch. The company has announced that it will hold an auction for its upcoming flagship smartphone on Droom and five devices will be up for grabs. The auction will be held on June 9 from 4:00 pm and will go on till June 12, 3:59:59 pm. The bidding will commence from Re 1 with no cap on the final amount for bids. Each bid will increase the price of the phone by Rs. 5. Further, the entire proceeds from the auction will go to a charity chosen by the OnePlus community through voting on the company's forum.
Those interested will have to register themselves on Droom in order to participate in the auction. The top 5 bidders will be sent a link to purchase the device immediately after the auction closes. The phones will be delivered after the global launch scheduled for June 14.
Vikas Aggarwal, General Manager for OnePlus said, “We are excited by the response from the OnePlus community to our latest flagship. Through this unique smartphone auction, we want to offer our loyal fans an opportunity to get their hands on the first few OnePlus 3 smartphones in the country, even before it goes on sale while also contributing to the society.”
A few days back, OnePlus announced that it was giving 30 people the chance to review the OnePlus 3 before it is launched. The company said that it wanted “fair and honest” feedback from the reviewers. However, the company also said that it would continue to hold property rights for the phones, which means that it could take the device back at its own discretion.