OnePlus launched its latest OnePlus 13 series globally on January 7. This includes the OnePlus 13 and its affordable variant – the OnePlus 13R. According to several reports, the R variant was more popular among Indians than the OnePlus 12 last year. This year, OnePlus has made the OnePlus 13R even sweeter with great specifications, which gives you a flagship experience at just Rs 42,999. But this is its original price, if you are aware of Amazon’s Great Republic Day sale, so it is currently offering this latest smartphone with a few bank discounts and an exchange offer.
So, let’s not waste time and let me you tell how you can grab the OnePlus 13R for under Rs 40,000.
Although, the sale discount on this smartphone is nothing, just a Rs 1 discount, but bank offers and the exchange discount are the real deal. Amazon is offering the following bank discounts on the OnePlus 13R:
Apart from this, if you are done with your old smartphone and want to exchange it with the new OnePlus 13R, Amazon is promising a discount of up to Rs 35,400. However, you will get this full discount only when you exchange a way pricier phone than the 13R, and that too in a good working condition, which doesn’t make sense. But let’s say, if you are using a OnePlus 11R, you can get around Rs 8000-12,000 off.
So, these are some offers that are already available on the OnePlus 13R. Now, let’s take a look at its specifications.
The OnePlus 13R 5G features a 6.78-inch 1.5K LTPO4 AMOLED panel with 120Hz refresh rate, 4,500 nits peak brightness, and is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 7i. It is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip, which is paired with up to 16GB LPDDR5x RAM and 512GB UFS 4.0. Moreover, it is backed by a 6000 mAh battery that supports 80W fast charging.
For photography, you get a 50 MP primary camera, an 8MP ultrawide sensor, and a 50 MP telephoto lens on the OnePlus 13R.